
In this heartwarming tale, meet Angoori, a charming 75-year-old woman from a modest middle-class family. Angoori, a cornered yet endearing figure, is pregnant and unaware about it. As she goes about her daily routine, her son Pappi, a 55-year-old embroiled in a Parshad election, finds himself in a tumultuous situation. Concerned about his social image, Pappi grapples with the unexpected revelation, leading to a series of comedic and challenging scenarios both at home and in society.

Amidst the chaos, Angoori’s daughter Shobha (45) and her husband Chunchun (50) eagerly anticipate the arrival of the unexpected addition to the family. The storyline unfolds with Pappi facing exciting challenges, attempting to reconcile his political aspirations with the unconventional pregnancy revelation. The movie culminates in a suspenseful climax, revealing whether Pappi emerges victorious in the election and how the family resolves the unconventional pregnancy situation.

The narrative takes an unexpected turn as Angoori, with her wisdom and grace, manages to clear the air and win the hearts of everyone around her.

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