Ramdeen (now & then)


This is a story based on the deep-rooted stance of feudalism in two chosen timelines; 1965 and present day respectively. The protagonist Ramesh, is a skinny, middle-aged man who works as an office boy at a production house, despite having a mundane and monotonous lifestyle he is very kind, well-spoken and calm by nature. On the other end, his boss, Hemlani belongs to the elite section of the society and thus subconsciously happens to believe that they hold the right to press down the classes beneath him.

Damini is a writer by profession; a sensitive and intelligent young lady. She has an observant approach towards her surroundings and happens to clearly see the ill treatment that Ramesh is continually subjected to, by Hemlani. This compels her to pen down her thoughts and express her ideologies in a story, the protagonist of which, is Ramdin , who is a tailor by profession, set in 1965 , his story shares similar traits to Ramesh’s story.

Ramdin’s work is also under recognized and undervalued by the elites around him.

One of the other characters of Ramdin’s story is Lala ji, whose personality is similar to that of Hemlani who is pretentious and   cunning.

The stories of Ramdin and Ramesh unravel back and forth and give us a compelling idea about how instilled the concept of feudalism is, in societies new and old.

The story begins and continues to unfold with quite a mixture of suppressors and the suppressed.

These two men have the vision to understand that they are being ill-treated and their work is duly undervalued by the elites around them.

Will they fight for their pride and dignity? Will they let feudalism squash them or will they choose to fight and conquer it?

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